Leading DX in Finance
Digital transformation of finance, Dubhe leads the way.
Dubhe is a financial SI company
that has been proposing and
developing the best technology
for financial companies since 2005.
Dubhe is a financial SI company
that has been proposing and
developing the best technology
for financial companies since 2005.
Dubhe, the first constellation of the
Due to the nature of the financial industry, most of its
operations are computerized, but the system is built in
accordance with various regulations.
reliability and security are stricter than other industries.
Dubhe, konstelasi pertama Biduk Karena sifat industri keuangan, sebagian besar pekerjaannya terkomputerisasi, namun sistemnya dibuat sesuai dengan berbagai peraturan, dan keandalan serta keamanan diterapkan lebih ketat dibandingkan di industri lain.
In order to quickly apply new IT technologies, you
propose and develop them in conjunction with legacy
systems and ensure their safety.
Untuk menerapkan teknologi TI baru dengan cepat, kami mengusulkan dan mengembangkan keamanan teknologi tersebut bersama dengan sistem lama.
Alioth is the brightest star in the Big Dipper.Dubhe's solution is named Alioth.